study skills for students
Learning to learn helps students and teachers
Study, examination and memory skills
Teacher training advice
Home schooling advice and advice for parents with students
Accelerated learning
Learning to learn techniques help school success
Learning and memory techniques create school success
Knowing personal learning styles helps sudents
Learning how to learn is a great investment

CHAMPS will contribute to improved results

A test panel of schools has been evaluating the impact of a learning-to-learn program over the last 12 months. Outcomes include:

Students achieved 'significant improvement' in CAT and SAT scores, especially in English, Mathematics and Science, compared to control groups. For older students, there were improvements in GCSE results - (in one school 50% of pupils exceeded their expected grade!)

In addition students' motivation, confidence and enjoyment of lessons increased, along with their ability to set goals and 'knowledge of what to do when they are stuck'.

"This program is directly relevant to raising attainment.

"Attractive... well structured... pupils will doubtless increase their learning effectiveness."

Scottish Executive Education Department Review.


"All schools will want to try CHAMPS at, the latest excellent initiative for pupils, parents and teachers from the Campaign for Learning and Accelerated Learning Systems."

Professor Tim Brighouse. Chief Education Officer, Birmingham Education Authority.

© Accelerated Learning Systems 2001